Friday, June 11, 2010

Change the baby's position

One of my students asked me a question this week about ho to change the position of the baby in the weeks before labour and I realised i haven't written about it in detail so here we go.

1. Just because you're thinking the birth is really soon in only a few weeks, don't worry, the baby thinks that's ages and may just be leaving it to the last minute.

2. If like me, your ankles are swollen and you're sitting down with your feet up a lot (or you're just knackered and doing it to chill out!) this can encourage the baby to end up in a less ideal position. My midwife suggested that I stop putting my feet up but I found that lying on my side with my feet on a cushin sorted both things.

3. One midwife suggested lying on my left side at night and I did this during the day when having rest too and I always found Ehan had moved more into the right position afterwards.

4. Pelvic tilts are great too. On all fours shift the weight onto your elbows on the floor. This can help the baby find space to turn.

5. If you are a tai chi practitioner, stop turning the waste mechanically at about 8 months as this works the womb laterally. Instead, work on settling into the hip crease and lung point on that side so that the lymph is being pumped but leave the rib cage static.

Obviously I'm no expert, and you should always check with your midwife, mine were really helpful with this and everything else.