Monday, March 22, 2010

Tai Chi and Sleep

Like all new parents, I am obsessed with sleep. Although Ethan is generally a very happy, calm and contented 9 week old, he is one long growth spurt (he's already wearing 3-6 month clothing and occassionally 6-9) and so his sleep pattern is a cycle anywhere from 2-5hrs. I remind myself that sleep deprivation is a form of torture and I haven't cracked yet - step aside James Bond.

Thankfully, Tai Chi is fantastic for sleep. Studies in older adults and heart patients show that Tai Chi players fall asleep quicker and stay asleep for longer. Tai Chi has long been understood to help regulate hormone levels and this is utilised in Chinese hospitals and TCM as a method of treating a variety of hormone related issues including insomnia.

As well as helping with sleep during the tricky 'fourth trimester' Tai Chi boosts serotonin which aids with relaxation and appetite, helping parents recharge their batteries without reaching for the cookie jar or coffee pot (at least, not every time!) This in itself aids better sleep and more stable hormone levels.

So, although I feel like I'm not sleeping enough, I feel proud of how surprised people are at how energised Simon and I seem compared to their picture of a new parent.

Research studies/articles:

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